Saturday, August 13, 2011


Unorthodox Thoughts Commute by ElGrasshopper
(Download Enabled)
 unorthodox thoughts commute

One solid street salute, word up troops.
we out to battle, dismantle the beast
embody the absolute
out to get more minds to compute
take out them blinders
all in this together,
that's just the simple truth,
unorthodox thoughts commute
in circle to out
w/ out doubt, eyes wide open
know damn well that this system is broken
and whether in heaven or hell
we aiming to fix'em
that's my word; I've just spoken.
Magik potion perfected and potent
urban guerrilla warfare proponent
direct action in the streets
and why the fuck not?
who do you think owns them?
critical mass type component,
can't be compared, these new era kings
when given the right condition
watch us strip'em for their power
de-thrown them
if they're supposed fam
watch us disown them
we ain't asking for permission
we dont give a good god damn,
this land where we stand
was muthafucken stolen!
Welcome to the front lines
a battle is being waged
sides are constantly being tested and chosen,
recruiting only the brave
those who don't go down
even when given mad proportions of poison
we out to stomp and make noise and
fuck who's in the way
can't have those who stay half shook and frozen
militant minded mental mercenaries
at our disposition
won't allow ourselves to be boxed into any position
that's why this spit
is more than a literary composition
its on till the end of my physical condition
no butts about it, there is no competition
everybody has the right to vent
and this here is my customized rendition
sneak peeks in to my delusional condition
so everyone can better peep my long term vision.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

EL Vapor

I’ve returned, like the grime underneath your fingernails
Your rusted gaze greets me knowingly.
Ah, yes, I can tell you have been waiting
I have always been here, when your gaze was along the ridges of the mountain
Peering off of the cliff, holding the hand  of your cuate as you edged closer to oblivion
Seeing how close you could come to the precipice
Seeing the open mouth of the mountain relative

Tip water into his mouth
Drop flowers into her hair
Consume your deepest desire like an earthquake stretching her back in yawn
And make a wish with copper

Greetings to you like lost memories greet you after strange absences.
It has been a long wait, and I am back
singing your throat with hoarse cries of reunion.

I appear to you as boulders held in place, like knuckles.
Pale spirits in the robes of summer dawn.
Colors like the falling of rocks
Like distant cries;
I  rise to greet you, asking to remember.

Will you remember me, cousin? Brother?
Will you open your mouth like the mountain
And greet me with golden teeth?


My tio was addicted to some difficult things. Rocks and sometimes boulders. The heavy street kind. They say that when you're lost, sometimes you may seek comfort in the knowledge of pain, or in the misery of others. My uncle Jesus was crucified daily for his ill journeys through the alleys of hood existence. It was a comfortable position that he championed, that place in soul between sleep and war where the drugged mind moves slow and shaken.

When your skin burns severely, I heard that your nervous system shuts down and your pain receptors go numb. I suppose burning your skin is similar to the way the soul works...if you burn it enough, it slumbers.

I remember the roaring engine under the hood of my tio's 1983 to 1987 (can't exactly recall) Oldsmobile Cutlass supreme. It was black, and had fake dayton rims. He acquired his vehicle from a time when he was involved in an accident while walking through the shadows late night around 3 or 4am. There was a turn on Avalon and Gage that nearly cost him his life. He was approaching a dope spot to pick up some merchandise, and as sudden as the power of the hit, a car lost control and the back spoiler of another vehicle flew into his lower back...with sharp twisted metal, he was pierced. Bleeding deeply, he was certain to go.

Hard to understand why some are giving many opportunities and others are not. My tio lived cuz things had to change in a way that imitated his crooked motion and missteps. Talvez el que hace las cosas de la vida, somos nosotros. Life has a strange balance between things- we are the walkers of the talk.

I was a child. I stood by the place where he stole my bike and wondered about "LA MUERTE." I would miss him if death came... He was a charismatic man that could build, fix, and sell almost anything. A "New Jack" of ALL Trades. He was known as Crazy Chuy officially, when he was spotted ridin' his GT DYNO on the 110 Freeway South. On the back of the bike, you could see his latest creation-- an attached cart made of old kids' bike parts, recycled wood with twisted nails, telephone wire, and multicolored cardboard here and the cart were his belongings.  A car stereo with car battery, house speakers, empty cans and bottles, various old flanel shirts, dickies, and a blanket or two.

After the accident things changed. For a while. I suppose that knowing death in such a close way propels one towards the need and responsibility to satisfy and celebrate the maker of life. Soon after he awoke in a hospital bed, My Tio was contacted by a man. He won a lawsuit of about $25,000 minus lawyer's fees. Can't do the math, but he was able to purchase an ice-cream truck, and a couple of luxury items.

to be continued...

Friday, July 15, 2011


the message can be understood in several different ways...
visual puzzles to be solved by the eye of the mind.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


LA MINA BLOG IS OFFICIALLY UP! After several months of contemplation, LA MINA Underground Bloggin' is finally ready for use. We will be utilizing this blog to formally discuss issues and events, provide analysis and much more!


La Mina Circle is a social/artistic experiment created to explore the capabilities of individuals with a common cause and awareness. We are working towards challenging the way things are and contributing to collective social change through various mediums of self and communal expression.

We are musicians, activists, visual artists, writers, critical thinkers and much more.